The tasks that reduce the productivity of the child ~ Ofuran

The tasks that reduce the productivity of the child

The tasks that reduce the productivity of the child

Many men are having problems with sperm count nowadays. They also rushed to the doctor for this. Because of the low sperm count, many couples do not enjoy being parents.

However, such problems can be avoided if they are a little self-aware. That is why you have to be careful in advance. Otherwise, there will be terrible danger ahead. See what tasks each day lowers the child's productivity or sperm count -

Anabolic steroids regulate muscle strength and growth. In this the testicles are compressed and the sperm count is reduced. That is, drug production reduces the child's ability to produce.

Be careful if you have a habit of drinking alcohol. Lowering testosterone levels is alcohol that will reduce your child's ability to produce. This problem can occur especially for those who drink excessive alcohol.

Tobacco is very harmful to the human body. Besides, it also reduces sperm count. This is why your future generations think about smoking, but refrain from smoking.

If you are suffering from depression, definitely consult a doctor. This is one of the reasons why your sperm count is low.

Sperm count may be reduced due to obesity or excess weight. Try to keep the weight under control.