How the smartphone changed our lives? ~ Ofuran

How the smartphone changed our lives?

That's how the smartphone changed lives

When the iPhone hit the market in 2007, not everyone fell in love with the first look. By no means will the flip-phone take over. Google Android came to life after a year in the scene. At the time, people kept Blackberry up.

However, in 2010, the high-resolution display, the light-thin averaging, and selfie cameras, brought the iPhone 8 to the market. Originally from that time, the current trend of smartphones has become a fixture. Then a decade has passed. Smartphone has impacted our lives in these 10 years. Here are just a few of them.

Everywhere, all the time
Data from Canalys Research says there are currently more than 500 million smartphones in use worldwide. And data from the International Telecommunications Union says that the current number of Internet subscribers is approaching 720 billion (one person uses multiple Internet packages) compared to 130 crore in 2010. Needless to say, most of them use the Internet on cell phones.

When the iPhone hit the market in 2007, not everyone fell in love with the first look. By no means will the flip-phone take over. Google Android came to life after a year in the scene. At the time, people kept Blackberry up.

Everywhere, all the time
Data from Canalys Research says there are currently more than 500 million smartphones in use worldwide. And data from the International Telecommunications Union says that the current number of Internet subscribers is approaching 720 billion (one person uses multiple Internet packages) compared to 130 crore in 2010. Needless to say, most of them use the Internet on cell phones.

Technology has taken the sector forward
At present, the combined market value of the big five technology companies is $ 4 million 70 billion. In comparison, the market value of the top five technology companies in 2010 was just $ 80 billion. Not all smartphones contribute, though. But in 2018, the contribution of mobile phone technology and services worldwide was $ 8 million.

All the work
From car rental to food ordering, playing games, finding a companion, listening to music or the marketplace - there is now an app for everything. I mean, for all the work we are now picking up smartphones. That was not the case in 2010.

Customers are now through digital
TV viewing rates have declined over the past 10 years. Instead everyone is leaning on the phone. Just like US adults now use an average of 34 minutes a day on social media. This is increasing the rate of advertising via digital than advertising on TV. Of course, this smartphone is also one of the tool to spread fake news.

A handful of cameras
In 2010, 12.1 million digital cameras were marketed. In 2010 it was just 1.9 crore. If a smartphone is equipped with the latest four camera lenses, what will people do with the camera? Google reports that Android devices fetch 9.3 million selfies every day.

There is also the back of the coin
The impact of smartphones in our lives is not only good. A breach of privacy is occurring. Personal information is being spread. Mortality rates increased by selfie lifting. Isolation-Depression is on the rise. Made it useless. We have hundreds of such examples. Yet in the past decade, smartphone options have not been matched. And two days later, a new decade is beginning. Now the issue of whether a new technology can replace a smartphone in that new decade.