Successful Freelancer Fahimul Karim story ~ Ofuran

Successful Freelancer Fahimul Karim story

Successful Freelancer Fahimul Karim's Story

For Fahimul Karim, his physical obstacles did not become any 'obstacle'. This young man is earning money from the website from the website.

Fahimul has worked in online Marketplace and Fever. Many of the people of Bangladesh like him are working here. However, a lot of discussion with Fahimul in the freelancers group.

Magura's son Fahimul (21) is not like life and everyone else. He has been diagnosed with a serious disease called Duchenmusquilar dysphropy. Due to this disease, his body muscles dry up at the young age. But Fahimul did not accept the disease. Not lose heart. Fearless Fahimul is now a successful freelancer.

Fahimul ran cycles during his childhood. Plays cricket with friends. He was also meritorious in the study. All were up to the eighth grade. Towards the end of 2012, just before the JSC examination, the bed fell. Slowly his muscles continue to dry. Then it becomes completely ineffective from the hands and feet to the whole body. Fahimul taught at Magura Government High School. At one stage, the merit of this meritorious student stopped.

Fahimul's father Rezaul Karim. He worked in the marketing department of a private company. Mother Hagar Khatun Housewife. Small one sister falls into ninth grade.

Fahimul's life became a 'bed-ridden' after being infected with complex diseases. He has to depend on others for his daily work. The dream of Fahimul could have become stagnant there. But strong morale helped him turn around. This young man believes that physical disability does not mean that everything stops. He woke up with his heart. At one stage, the online marketplace began to work. Now he gets 8 dollars per hour, 670 rupees in Bangladeshi currency.

Let's hear the story of Fahimul's life and struggle from him. Fahimul said, "2012 is about. I was then a student of class VIII. Just two or three days before the JSC examination, I lost my ability to move. The disease was from early childhood. The doctor said that it would be such a time. Slowly the body will dry completely. Energy will be lost. Maybe I'll be alive for 18 to 20 years. In this situation, JSC examinations. I also get good results. But unfortunately I do not get admission in the ninth grade. My studies ended there. Since my childhood I was very interested in learning about my new topic. Whether it is reading books, from anyone or watching television. Although the 9th grade was not admitted, the science department books were brought to the house. They used to read it myself. Once upon a time, I started teaching young children privately. Everyone came to my house. '

Fahimul got some money by studying private. He bought an Android phone at the end of 2014 with some money from home. Connect to the Internet. Then gradually Google, you can get to know about YouTube. In the middle of 2015, on one of the Facebook pages, Fahimul came to know about earning on the internet. He first knew about T-Spring. It was thought that mobile could be done through mobile. Failed for a few days' effort. Feel the need of a computer very much. Said at home. But could not explain. Apart from that there was also a crisis of money.

Fahimul did not leave. He said, 'Later I joined a group. The name was Odesk Bangladesh (Now the Work Bangladesh). I used to see that everyone talked about the work online. I would read every post, comment regularly. Here's a post about web design. There were some links here. I downloaded them and read about it almost HTML. But after a while looked impatient. I thought, this is not possible as well. I have to learn a specific job. Post in the group as you want to learn to work. One of the group's admins introduced me to one of my localities. After some days he came to my home and gave me the right idea about the job. Given the concept of graphics designs. But then my computer was not there. '

Fahimul bought a laptop in November 2016, with the familiarization of the initiative, the mother's savings and loan from the bank. Though he could use laptop, he did not have the financial capability to use the internet regularly. He started learning the graphics design by purchasing a DVD. Then practice regularly. Learned at the beginning Photoshop. He used to learn other essentials from watching YouTube. He downloaded the freelance tutorial video on getting the internet offer at low money. Learned to create business cards and banners at the beginning. Then know about the online marketplace fiasco.

Fahimul said, "Finding Future Help Bangladesh Group by searching on Facebook. The group documents fall in February 2017, in the Fiver, Gig (Fiverr offers every service offering to say Gig). We got work within a few days of opening Gig. I could not even think, I would get to work so fast. I finished the job within a few hours. Bayar was happy to give me bonus with 5 star reviews. My first income was $15.
