SSC Result 2020 will be published on 6 May, 2020
SSC and Dakhil 2020 examination result will be published on 6 May, 2020. An officer of education ministry has said this information. He also said that 3 and 4 May are holidays. So they are told to publish SSC and Dakhil exam 2020 result on 6 May, 2020. They are preparing now to publish the result now. The result will be publish on Education board and Madrasah board website. See the process below.
In this year about 20 lakhs 31 thousand 899 students has attended in the SSC examination. All of them 10 lakhs 23 thousands 212 students are male and 10 lakhs 8 thousands 687 students are female students.
SSC result 2020 mobile SMS system:
SSC<space>First 3 letters of your board<space> Roll Number<space>2020 and send it to 16222. So, the message format should be like below.
View SSC Routine 2020
SSC and Dakhil 2020 examination result will be published on 6 May, 2020. An officer of education ministry has said this information. He also said that 3 and 4 May are holidays. So they are told to publish SSC and Dakhil exam 2020 result on 6 May, 2020. They are preparing now to publish the result now. The result will be publish on Education board and Madrasah board website. See the process below.
In this year about 20 lakhs 31 thousand 899 students has attended in the SSC examination. All of them 10 lakhs 23 thousands 212 students are male and 10 lakhs 8 thousands 687 students are female students.
Class Six to HSC (Intermediate) Mathematics book Solution PDF download
You will get SSC 2020 and Dakhil 2020 result on theboard official website and mobile SMS system.SSC result 2020 mobile SMS system:
SSC<space>First 3 letters of your board<space> Roll Number<space>2020 and send it to 16222. So, the message format should be like below.
SSC<space>DHA<space>Roll Number<space>2020 and send to 16222
Example: SSC DHA 123456 2020 and send to 16222
Bangladesh Education Board Code Names are here
Dhaka = DHA
Barisal = BAR
Chittagong = CHI
Comilla = COM
Dinajpur = DIN
Jessore = JES
Rajshahi = RAJ
Sylhet = SYL
Madrasah = MAD
Technical = TEC
SSC Board Challenge full process and result 2020
SSC Result Board Challenge 2020 application method possible only SMS system. Time is only 1 week. All Candidate must apply with teletalk prepaid mobile. Per Subject he/she should pay TK 125.00. For English and Bangla subject pay must be TK 250.00. more information sees Update notice. SMS format is given bellow-
1st SMS: RSC <Space> First three Letter of Board Name < Space> Roll Number <Space> Subject Code and Send to 16222
Example: RSC COM 156243 102 and Send to 16222
After sending the 1st SMS Candidate will get a pin. If you are agreeing to Re-scrutiny apply to go to your message option and type format.
2nd SMS: RSC <Space> Yes <Space> PIN <Space> Your Contact Number And sent to 16222
Example: RSC YES 428673 0171………….. and Send to 16222
After a Sending 2nd SMS will be received by your teletalk mobile Applicant name and tracking number.
Previous year notice for board challenge:

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