The IsDB is currently funding the following scholarship programmes: Undergraduate, Master,
PhD, and Post-doctoral research. The Programmes are an important tool in the development
initiatives led by the IsDB since 1983 to foster technology and knowledge sharing among
member countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries.
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ISDB Scholarship Programme |
The programmes are designed to attract talented male and female students and build the
right competence required to empower communities with a special focus on “Sustainability
Science” in line with the approved fields to support the achievement of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs).
For over (3) three decades, the Bank has helped to provide scholarship opportunities to 15,611
students and formed a pool of 13,253 well-trained development professionals and
researchers transforming their countries and positively impacting future generations.
IsDB has also launched the following schemes:
1. IsDB/ISFD Programme for Vocational Training and Undergraduate Studies: This
programme is an IsDB new initiative for 21 LDMCs funded by the Islamic Solidarity Fund
for Development (ISFD) for the next ten years, starting from 2018-19 aiming at promoting
entrepreneurships and reducing poverty.
2. Joint Programme with The World Academy of Science (TWAS) in Trieste, Italy for
Sustainability Science, Technology and Innovation: This programme is an IsDB initiative
for capacity building aiming at building critical mass in the fields of Science, Technology
and Innovation (STI) to address sustainable development challenges of its member
Partnership Programmes with Reputable top universities: The IsDB has linked the
programmes with reputable universities worldwide. Therefore, a new partnership model has
been pursued with the top (10) ten ranked universities in all beneficiary countries through
Memorandum of Agreements. Under the new partnership model, the hosting universities will
play a strategic role to provide the students with the necessary mentoring and guidance to
ensure their academic success. They will equally facilitate the students’ financial entitlements,
accommodation and promote the IsDB scholarship programmes.
Undergraduate Scholarship Programme
Eligibility Criteria
The Programme is open for academically meritorious students with strong desire to engage
in social services and community development after graduation. The prospective candidate
must meet the following eligibility criteria:
• Citizens of any of the IsDB member countries or Muslim communities in non-member
• Completed senior secondary education (or the equivalent of approximately 12 years of
education) with good grades in major subjects.
• Not in receipt of any other scholarship at the time of application and during studies
under the IsDB scholarship programme.
• Be medically fit and willing to undergo medical tests after selection.
Read field of study from here
Selection Process
The selection of candidates is supervised by a Selection Committee, composed of
academicians in all development related fields and chaired by the Senior Advisor to the
President for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI).
The Committee reviews the applications keeping in view the eligibility requirements and
selection criteria of the Programme with the aim of identifying the candidates with the highest
Master Scholarship Programme
Eligibility Criteria
The Programme is designed to help promising mid-career professionals from member
countries and Muslim Communities in non-member countries who meet the following criteria:
• Be a citizen of any of an IsDB member countries or Muslim communities in nonmember countries.
• Be a graduate with a grade above “Good” in his/her bachelor studies.
• His/her proposed field of study is within the fields approved by the programme.
• Be recommended by three referees (professional or academic).
• Seek or accept no other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies under
the Programme which may interfere with their studies or make fulfillment of their other
obligations difficult unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the IsDB;
• Be medically fit and be willing to undergo medical tests after selection.
PhD and Post-doctoral research Programme
Eligibility Criteria
The Programme is designed to help promising mid-careers professionals from member
countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries who meet the following criteria:
1) PhD study
• Have minimum Master degree (for Ph.D study) in one of the approved fields of the
• Have above average ("Very Good") academic standing;
• Preferably have work and/or research experience.
• Have a proposed field of study and/or research in one of the fields listed under the
approved fields of study of the programme with its scientific and development
relevance to the country being clearly demonstrated in a research proposal.
• Seek or accept no other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies under
the Programme which may interfere with their studies or make fulfillment of their other
obligations difficult unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the IsDB;
• Be medically fit and be willing to undergo medical tests after selection.
2) Post-doctoral research
• Have PhD degree in one of approved fields of the programme
• Have above average ("Very Good") academic standing;
• Must have not less than two (2) years of experience in the field of his/her research
• Must have a record of publications/research in the same field.
• Have a proposed field of study and/or research in one of the fields listed under the
approved fields of study of the programme with its scientific and development
relevance to the country being clearly demonstrated in a research proposal.
• Seek or accept no other scholarship or remunerated work during their studies under
the Programme which may interfere with their studies or make fulfillment of their other
obligations difficult unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the IsDB;
• Be medically fit and be willing to undergo medical tests after selection.
IsDB-ISFD Scholarship Programme
Joint Programme with The World Academy of Science (TWAS) in Trieste, Italy, for
Sustainability Science, Technology and Innovation (STI).