Teletalk will launch 4G service in May said Mustafa Jabbar ~ Ofuran

Teletalk will launch 4G service in May said Mustafa Jabbar

Teletalk will launch 4G service in May said Mustafa Jabbar

Postal, Telecommunication and Information Technology Minister Mustafa Jabber said that Teletalk will launch the fourth generation (4G) services in May. In response to a written question from Deedarul Alam, a member of the ruling party's parliament, he said that Teletalk has planned to introduce 4G service to all the divisional cities with its own funding spending 200 Crores taka.

The minister also said two projects are already running to increase the subscribers of Teletalk and to increase the network coverage. After completion of these two projects, it will be possible to provide uninterrupted third generation (3G) network coverage in Upazila level of the country.

He said that by the end of December last year, the number of 3G subscribers in the country is 6 crore 4 lakhs and 19 thousands.
