Reset Samsung Battery status and solve all battery problems ~ Ofuran

Reset Samsung Battery status and solve all battery problems

Reset Samsung Battery status and solve all battery problem 

The Samsung phone's battery often keeps you in trouble. You can go for a long time without understanding how much time the phone battery works, how long it will work.

But do you know, who uses a Samsung phone, by dialing a special code to increase the battery life? At the same time, the problem with the battery can be solved too.

According to an India Hindi daily report, it is possible to know exactly how much time the phone's battery will need to charge and how long it will back up.

The USSD code is *# 0228 #. This code is associated with the phone's battery software.
It is not that by dialing this code will increase the mAh power of your phone's battery.

That is, with this code, the settings associated with the battery will be reset.

Suppose someone has a 50 percent charge on the phone. At the moment dial *# 0228 # . If the code is written on mobile, then all the battery information will be available on the mobile screen.

Then this message will appear on the mobile screen.

With Quick Start options can be found. A warning message will also be shown immediately. There are clear texts that with the help of this code switches settings but it is not implemented for testing only.

After clicking on the Quick Start option or OK, the phone will be switched off again. The phone's battery settings will be reset and all information related to battery pertaining will be shown correctly.
